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This platform from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) offers access to high-impact journals, books and databases, linking over 1 million chemical science articles and chapters. It covers all aspects of the chemical sciences, as well as interdisciplinary fields such as medicine and physics, materials, biology, biophysics, energy and environment, and engineering. Obtain the latest research of interest using custom eAlerts, RSS feeds and blogs, or use the quick and advanced searches to explore all RSC-hosted journals, database and book content published since 1841 to the present. AnalystChemical CommunicationsJournal of Materials Chemistry, and Chemical Science are just some of the notable journals available. The databases also provide a wide array of resources in key areas of chemical research. Examples include Analytical Abstracts, a current awareness and information retrieval service for analytical scientists; ChemSpider, a chemical structure database containing over 26 million structures; and Catalyst and Catalysed Reaction, which provides graphical abstracts of new developments in catalysis research.

SAGE Premier 


SAGE Premier journals collection contains peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal content in a wide range of subject areas, including business, humanities, social science, and science, technology and medicine.

Sage Research Methods


SAGE Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. SAGE Research Methods provides dictionary definition, case study examples from a researcher in the field, teaching datasets, full-text title from the Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series as well as video tutorial showing research in action. SAGE Research Methods has more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences. SAGE Research Methods Cases are stories of how real research projects were conducted. The collection provides more than 500 case studies, showing the challenges and successes of doing research, written by the researchers themselves. SAGE Research Methods Datasets is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that give students a chance to learn data analysis by practising themselves.



One of the world's top scientific journals, this peer-reviewed academic journal covers the full range of scientific disciplines. It publishes important original scientific and research reviews, as well as science-related news, opinions on science policy and matters of interest that have wide implications on science and technology. You can browse subjects in Science Collections to find articles published in your field since 1996, or search the full-text of issues from January 1997 to present.

Scientific American 


Provides authoritative insights into groundbreaking developments in science and technology, and highlights the emerging trends that will shape our world. The articles are written in clear and accessible prose by leading scientists, inventors and engineers from diverse fields to give readers a comprehensive understanding of the latest scientific discoveries and technological innovations. A diverse range of topics is covered, including energy and sustainability, evolution, health, space, psychology, life sciences, dark energy and computing. Full-text articles are available for the years 2006-2007, as well as for the last 5 years.



Authoritative source for identifying a chemical substance and its related chemical structures, chemical names, regulatory information, and properties, including CAS Registry Numbers®, reaction schemes, step-by-step experimental procedures, detailed conditions, and product yields. 
New users have register here first before logging in to SciFindern.

SciVerse Science Direct


Access to a broad spectrum of scientific and technical areas. More than 2500 peer reviewed journals and 10 million journal articles and book chapters going back to 1995.

Singapore Standards


Recognised documents established by consensus. Standards are published documents setting out specifications and procedures for the design, use or performance of materials, products, processes, services and systems.

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journals 


This database provides full access to all of the 15 peer-reviewed journals published by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, with archival content stretching as far back as 1953. The journals cover topics such as applied dynamical systems, multi-scale modeling and simulation, matrix analysis and applications, computing, and optimising.

SPIE Digital Library


The most extensive research database available on optics and photonics research, SPIE Digital Library contains over 375,000 papers from conference proceedings and peer-reviewed journals published by the International Society for Optical Engineering, spanning biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging. Over 20,000 new technical articles are added annually and there are more currently than 8000 volumes of Conference Proceedings. The peer-reviewed SPIE Journals available include Optical EngineeringJournal of Biomedical OpticsJournal of Electronic ImagingJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS , Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Journal of Nanophotonics, and Journal of Photonics for Energy. Coverage is from 1962 to present.



Statista is a portal for statistical, market research and business intelligence information. Statista strength is providing information on social media, e-commerce and telecommunications. Other categories of information include energy, consumer goods, transport, banking and finance.

Taylor and Francis eBooks


Access the full-text of over 1000 eBooks on Built Environment, Cities, Conservation, Sustainable Architecture and Urban Studies.  Content from renowned publishers such as Routledge, Psychology Press, Focal Press and Ashgate.

Taylor and Francis Online


This database provides access to over 1,400 peer-reviewed journals on a vast array of topics, including mathematics and statistics, humanities, engineering and technology, the physical sciences, and the built environment. The subscription includes access to all current content, plus a backfile stretching back to 1997 where available. The database features such as graphical abstracts and first-page preview help to highlight the relevance of an article and links to what others have read help facilitate strategic researching. Pair your mobile device to enable instant on-the-move access to the database and stay up-to-date with the latest research developments via a suite of alerting services.

The Chronicle of Higher Education 


The Chronicle of Higher Education is a popular source of news and information for college and university faculty members and administrators. The Chronicle's Web site features the complete contents of the latest issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; an archive of previously published content; vibrant discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, salary databases, and more.

The Economist


Founded in 1843 to support the cause of free trade, The Economist is recognised internationally for its robust data-led journalism. With rigorous reporting, in-depth analysis and global perspective, The Economist explains today’s most important events and seek to discern the trends that will shape tomorrow, and has helped readers grasp the great drivers of change, from technology to geopolitics, finance and economics. In recent years, The Economist expanded its journalism online, onto its app and into podcasts, films, interactive infographics and social media.  

Register an account using your SUTD email at to start experiencing The Economist.

The New York Times 


The New York Times online edition is a multi-platform news tool that provides full access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, reviews and opinion, blogs, videos and more. is updated 24/7 with corresponding time stamps. From the home page, one can access more than 25 Times sections, including World, Politics, New York, Opinion, Business, Technology, Science, Sports, Arts, Fashion & Style, and Video. This site provides full access to New York Times articles published between 1851 through 1922, and between 1981 through current day. Access to the years 1923-1980 is limited.

New users must register first before logging in to The New York Times.

The Singapore Engineer


The Singapore Engineer is published monthly by The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES). The Institution of Engineers, Singapore was formally established on July 1966 as the national society of engineers in Singapore. IES is the premier engineering Institution in Singapore and is often called upon by the Government to provide feedback on professional engineering matters.

Web of Science


A key resource for carefully selected multidisciplinary content in social sciences, arts and humanities and science with access to Conference Proceedings Index and Book Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, EndNote and Journal Citation Index. Provides abstracts and indexes to over 12,000 journals and over 148,000 conferences, workshops and seminars, dating from 1965 to the present. Find relevant results through searching across citation indexes, journal subjects, authors and institutions. Researchers can also identify who is citing the work of specific authors or titles and spot popular trends in research. It also serves as a Gateway allowing you to access full-text articles from any database we have access to.

Wiley Online Library


Wiley Online Journal collection which is part of Wiley Online Library has an extensive coverage for online resources covering a wide spectrum of subjects that would be useful for research. It provides access to over 1300 journal titles in the field of Architecture and Planning, Business, Economics and Finance, Chemistry, Humanities, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics , Physical Sciences and Engineering (e.g.Electrical & Electronics, Industrial Engineering and Material Science). Many of these titles are widely referred to from their impact factor.

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) 


The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products, the OKR allows anyone to use, reuse, distribute, and build upon the Bank’s published work, even commercially, as long as the Bank is given credit for the original creation. The repository contains thousands of works, including books, journal articles, independent evaluation studies, and policy research working papers. Topics covered include energy, communities and human settlements, information and communication technologies, infrastructure, and rural and urban development.

World Scientific 


Access a diverse range of high quality academic content spanning 17 subject areas, such as Asian Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics and Nanoscience. SUTD Library acquires ebooks from this platform on a title-by-title basis for course, reference, and general reading.

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