
The following categories of users can use the library  

Who can use the Library


SUTD members including:

  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Researchers
  • Staff
  • Alumni
  • Borrow loanable items according to loan policy.
  • Seek research assistance from Library team.

Corporate Membership

Please contact the library to discuss your needs.  Email: and we will arrange to meet you.

Loan Privileges

S/N Patron Type Max Loan Renew Limit Loan Period Loan period of Equipment Loan Period of Periodical Loan period of DVD
1 Faculty (Lending) 15 Unlimited 30 days 7 days 7 days 7 days
2 Student 5 Unlimited 30 days 7 days 7 days Not applicable
3 PhD / Master’s Student 10 Unlimited 30 days 7 days 7 days 7 days
4 Non acad staff 5 Unlimited 30 days 7 days 7 days 7 days
5 Alumni 3 Unlimited 30 days - - -

For more details on Pedagogy and Term loan, you can contact