Bloomberg Terminal

“The Bloomberg Terminal revolutionized an industry by bringing transparency to financial markets. More than four decades on, it remains at the cutting edge of innovation and information delivery — with fast access to news, data, unique insight and trading tools helping leading decision makers turn knowledge into action.” More Information

bloomberg Location of Bloomberg Terminals in the SUTD Library
Location: Level 2 (Facing the Campus Centre)
Number of Terminals: 2

*Please read this first before using BLOOMBERG Terminal*

  1. Use is limited to Academic Activities
  2. Please READ Bloomberg's Privacy Policy
  3. Please READ Bloomberg’s Terms of Service 
  4. When creating a Bloomberg account 
    • Use your SUTD email.
    • Please USE the SUTD Library phone number 64994987 and NOT your personal contact number.
  5. USB ports do not work, please upload your downloaded Bloomberg data to the yourself via email or cloud storage service (e.g Google Drive, Onedrive)

How to Access Bloomberg
Option 1

Use your SUTD Bloomberg Account to Login

Option 2
Step 1 – Create a SUTD Bloomberg Account - Account Creation Guide
*Important - When creating a Bloomberg account please USE the SUTD Library phone number 64994987 and NOT your personal contact number
Step 2 – Access Bloomberg Terminal and Login 
Step 3 – Logout of PC when done
