SUTD Research Published 2016 - Page 1/12


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Aaronson, S., Bouland, A., Fitzsimons, J., Lee, M., & Acm. (2016). The Space "Just Above" BQP. Itcs'16: Proceedings of the 2016 Acm Conference on Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, 271-280.

Abu Alsheikh, M., Lin, S., Niyato, D., & Tan, H. P. (2016). Rate-Distortion Balanced Data Compression for Wireless Sensor Networks. Ieee Sensors Journal, 16(12), 5072-5083.

Abu Alsheikh, M., Niyato, D., Lin, S. W., Tan, H. P., & Han, Z. (2016). Mobile Big Data Analytics Using Deep Learning and Apache Spark. Ieee Network, 30(3), 22-29.

Adepu, S., & Mathur, A. (2016a). An Investigation into the Response of a Water Treatment System to Cyber Attacks. In R. Babiceanu, H. Waeselynck, R. A. Paul, B. Cukic, & J. Xu (Eds.), 2016 Ieee 17th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (pp. 141-148).

Adepu, S., & Mathur, A. (2016b). Detecting Multi-Point Attacks in a Water Treatment System Using Intermittent Control Actions. In A. Mathur & A. Roychoudhury (Eds.), Proceedings of the Singapore Cyber-Security Conference (Vol. 14, pp. 59-74).

Adepu, S., & Mathur, A. (2016c). Generalized attacker and attack models for Cyber Physical Systems. In S. Reisman, S. I. Ahamed, L. Liu, D. Milojicic, W. Claycomb, M. Matskin, H. Sato, & Z. Y. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings 2016 Ieee 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops, Vol 1 (pp. 283-292).

Adepu, S., & Mathur, A. (2016d). Introducing Cyber Security at the Design Stage of Public Infrastructures: A Procedure and Case Study. In M. A. Cardin, S. H. Fong, D. Krob, P. C. Lui, & Y. H. Tan (Eds.), Complex Systems Design & Management Asia: Smart Nations - Sustaining and Designing, Csd&M Asia 2016 (Vol. 426, pp. 75-94).

Adepu, S., & Mathur, A. (2016e). Using Process Invariants to Detect Cyber Attacks on a Water Treatment System. In J. H. Hoepman & S. Katzenbeisser (Eds.), Ict Systems Security and Privacy Protection, Sec 2016 (Vol. 471, pp. 91-104).

Adepu, S., & Mathur, A.(2016). Distributed Detection of Single-Stage Multipoint Cyber Attacks in a Water Treatment Plant. Asia Ccs'16: Proceedings of the 11th Acm Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 449-460.

Adepu, S., Shrivastava, S., & Mathur, A. (2016). Argus: An Orthogonal Defense Framework to Protect Public Infrastructure against Cyber-Physical Attacks. Ieee Internet Computing, 20(5), 38-45.

Adhikari, K., Street, J., Wang, C., Liu, Y., & Zhang, S. J. (2016). Verifying a quantitative relaxation of linearizability via refinement. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 18(4), 393-407.

Ahipasaoglu, S. D., Arikan, U., & Natarajan, K. (2016). On the flexibility of using marginal distribution choice models in traffic equilibrium. Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 91, 130-158.

Ahmadvand, M., Scemama, A., Ochoa, M., & Pretschner, A. (2016). Enhancing Operation Security using Secret Sharing. Secrypt: Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications - Vol. 4, 446-451.     

Ahmed, M. (2016). Repetition Coding and Equal Power Allocation Scheme for JPEG Image Transmission over MIMO Systems. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 8(3), 10-19.

Ajay, V. A., Suherlan, A. P., Soh, G. S., Foong, S., Wood, K., & Otto, K. (2015, August). Localication and trajectory tracking of an autonomous spherical rolling robot using IMU and odometry. In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, MA, USA(pp. 2-5).

Alhanahnah, M. J., Jhumka, A., & Alouneh, S. (2016). A Multidimension Taxonomy of Insider Threats in Cloud Computing. Computer Journal, 59(11), 1612-1622.    

Ali, I., Li, C. B., Hasan, A., Abdisa, G., Liu, Z. C., Ma, F., & Zhang, Y. P. (2016). Lifetime Autler-Townes Splitting of Dressed Multi-Order Fluorescence in Pr3+:YSO. Frontiers in Physics, 4.

Alonso-Ramos, C., Han, Z. H., Le Roux, X., Lin, H. T., Singh, V., Lin, P. T., . . . Kimerling, L. (2016). Subwavelength engineered fiber-to-chip silicon-on-sapphire interconnects for mid-infrared applications. In L. Vivien, L. Pavesi, & S. Pelli (Eds.), Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits V (Vol. 9891). 

Ang, L. K., & Zubair, M. (2016, June). Fractional model of space charge limited current. In Plasma Science (ICOPS), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-1). 

Ang, T. Y., Ong, J. R., Sahin, E., Pawlina, B., Chen, G. F. R., & Tan, D. T. H. (2016, August). High-performance silicon-on-insulator polarization beam splitter using novel bend directional coupler. In Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on (pp. 100-101).

Ang, Y. S., & Ang, L. K. (2016). Current-Temperature Scaling for a Schottky Interface with Nonparabolic Energy Dispersion. Physical Review Applied, 6(3).

Ang, Y. S., Ang, L. K., Zhang, C., & Ma, Z. S. (2016). Nonlocal transistor based on pure crossed Andreev reflection in a EuO-graphene/superconductor hybrid structure. Physical Review B, 93(4).

Anitha, D., Subburaj, K., Mei, K., Kopp, F. K., Foehr, P., Noel, P. B., . . . Baum, T. (2016). Effects of dose reduction on bone strength prediction using finite element analysis. Scientific Reports, 6.

Antonioli, D., Agrawal, A., & Tippenhauer, N. O. (2016). Towards High-Interaction Virtual ICS Honeypots-in-a-Box. Cps-Spc'16: Proceedings of the 2nd Acm Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Privacy, 13-22.   

Asbahi, M., Wang, F. K., Dong, Z. G., Yang, J. K. W., & Chong, K. S. L. (2016). Directed self-assembly of sub-10nm particle clusters using topographical templates. Nanotechnology, 27(42).

Aslam, C. A., Guan, Y. L., & Cai, K. (2016a). Detector for MLC NAND Flash Memory Using Neighbor-A-Priori Information. Ieee Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems, 24(9), 2827-2836.

Aslam, C. A., Guan, Y. L., & Cai, K. (2016b). Read and Write Voltage Signal Optimization for Multi-Level-Cell (MLC) NAND Flash Memory. Ieee Transactions on Communications, 64(4), 1613-1623.

Bahrawi, N. (2016). Voices of Southeast Asia: Essential Readings from Antiquity to the Present. Trans-Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 4(2), 433-435.

Balaban, O., & Tuncer, B. (2016). Visualizing Urban Sports Movement. Ecaade 2016: Complexity & Simplicity, Vol 2, 89-94.

Bang-Jensen, J., Havet, F., & Yeo, A. (2016). The complexity of finding arc-disjoint branching flows. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 209, 16-26.   

Barbero, F., Gutin, G., Jones, M., Sheng, B., & Yeo, A. (2016). Linear-vertex kernel for the problem of packing r-stars into a graph without long induced paths. Information Processing Letters, 116(6), 433-436.

Bateni, M. H., Chen, Y. W., Ciocan, D. F., Mirrokni, V., & Acm. (2016). Fair Resource Allocation in A Volatile Marketplace. Ec'16: Proceedings of the 2016 Acm Conference on Economics and Computation, 819-819.

Bharatharaj, J., Al-Jumaily, A. M., Krageloh, C., Huang, L. L.,& Elara, M. R.(2016). Effects of Adapted Model-Rival Method and Parrot-Inspired Robot in improving Learning and Social Interaction among Children with Autism. 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (Raha), 26-30.

Binder, A., Montavon, G., Lapuschkin, S., Muller, K. R., & Samek, W. (2016). Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation for Neural Networks with Local Renormalization Layers. In A. E. P. Villa, P. Masulli, & A. J. P. Rivero (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - Icann 2016, Pt Ii (Vol. 9887, pp. 63-71).

Bissbort, U., Hofstetter, W., & Poletti, D. (2016). Operator-based derivation of phonon modes and characterization of correlations for trapped ions at zero and finite temperature. Physical Review B, 94(21).

Boddeti, N. G., Long, R., & Dunn, M. L. (2016). Adhesion mechanics of graphene on textured substrates. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 97-98, 56-74. 

Botta, M., Cavagnino, D., & Pomponiu, V. (2016). A modular framework for color image watermarking. Signal Processing, 119, 102-114.   

Braun, D. J. (2016). Optimal Parametric Feedback Excitation of Nonlinear Oscillators. Physical Review Letters, 116(4). 

Braun, D. J., Apte, S., Adiyatov, O., Dahiya, A., & Hogan, N. (2016). Compliant Actuation for Energy Efficient Impedance Modulation. In A. Okamura, A. Menciassi, A. Ude, D. Burschka, D. Lee, F. Arrichiello, H. Liu, H. Moon, J. Neira, K. Sycara, K. Yokoi, P. Martinet, P. Oh, P. Valdastri, & V. Krovi (Eds.), 2016 Ieee International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 636-641).   

Brust, M. R., Akbas, M. I., Turgut, D., & Ieee. (2016). VBCA: A Virtual Forces Clustering Algorithm for Autonomous Aerial Drone Systems. 2016 Annual Ieee Systems Conference (Syscon), 31-36.

Burcea, M., Hon, W. K., Liu, H. H., Wong, P. W. H., & Yau, D. K. Y. (2016). Scheduling for electricity cost in a smart grid. Journal of Scheduling, 19(6), 687-699. 

Burghardt, K., Verzijl, C., Huang, J., Ingram, M., Song, B. Y., & Hasne, M. P. (2016). Testing Modeling Assumptions in the West Africa Ebola Outbreak. Scientific Reports, 6.