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Ognawala, S., Ochoa, M., Pretschner, A., & Limmer, T. (2016). MACKE: Compositional Analysis of Low-Level Vulnerabilities with Symbolic Execution. In D. Lo, S. Apel, & S. Khurshid (Eds.), 2016 31st Ieee/Acm International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 780-785). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7582815/ J. Ong, G. Chen, and D. T. H. Tan, "Broadband silicon-on-insulator 2x2 power splitters using curved asymmetric waveguides," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTh2A.88. Ono, J., Yong, J. W. H., Takayama, K., Bin Saleh, M. N., Wee, A. K. S., Asakawa, T., . . . Kajita, T. (2016). Bruguiera hainesii, a critically endangered mangrove species, is a hybrid between B-cylindrica and B-gymnorhiza (Rhizophoraceae). Conservation Genetics, 17(5), 1137-1144. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-016-0849-y Ooi, K. J. A., Cheng, J. L., Sipe, J. E., Ang, L. K., & Tan, D. T. H. (2016). 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