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Wan, J. G., & Zucker, I. J. (2016). Integrals of K and E from lattice sums. Ramanujan Journal, 40(2), 257-278. ttp://

Wang, C. H., He, W., Tong, Y., & Zhao, R. (2016). Investigation and Manipulation of Different Analog Behaviors of Memristor as Electronic Synapse for Neuromorphic Applications. Scientific Reports, 6 

Wang, D., Quek, C., & Ng, G. S. (2016). Bank failure prediction using an accurate and interpretable neural fuzzy inference system. Ai Communications, 29(4), 477-495.  

Wang, H. M., Wang, C., Zheng, T. X., & Quek, T. Q. S. (2016). Impact of Artificial Noise on Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(11), 7390-7404.

Wang, J., Lee, J., & Quek, T. Q. S. (2016). Best Antenna Placement for Eavesdroppers: Distributed or Co-Located? Ieee Communications Letters, 20(9), 1820-1823.

Wang, J., Lee, & J., Quek, T. Q. S. (2016). Optimal Cooperative Range of Distributed Transmitters for Communications Secrecy. In 2016 Ieee 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications 

Wang, J. J., Jiang, C. X., Bie, Z., Quek, T. Q. S., & Ren, Y. (2016). Mobile Data Transactions in Device-to-Device Communication Networks: Pricing and Auction. Ieee Wireless Communications Letters, 5(3), 300-303.

Wang, J. J., Jiang, C. X., Quek, T. Q. S., Wang, X. B., & Ren, Y. (2016). The Value Strength Aided Information Diffusion in Socially-Aware Mobile Networks. Ieee Access, 4, 3907-3919.

Wang, L. C., Liu, Z. Q., Yi, X. Y., Zhang, Y. Y., Li, H. J., Li, J. M., & Wang, G. H. (2016). Analysis of symmetry breaking configurations in metal nanocavities: Identification of resonances for generating high-order magnetic modes and multiple tunable magnetic-electric Fano resonances. Journal of Applied Physics, 119(17).  ttp://

Wang, L. C., Liu, Z. Q., Zhang, Z. H., Tian, Y. D., Yi, X. Y., Wang, J. X., . . . Wang, G. H. (2016). Interface and photoluminescence characteristics of graphene-(GaN/InGaN)n multiple quantum wells hybrid structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 119(14).

Wang, L. C., Ng, R. J. H., Dinachali, S. S., Jalali, M., Yu, Y., & Yang, J. K. W. (2016). Large Area Plasmonic Color Palettes with Expanded Gamut Using Colloidal Self-Assembly. Acs Photonics, 3(4), 627-633.

Wang, L. M., Ai, B., Mohwald, H., Yu, Y., & Zhang, G. (2016). Invertible Nanocup Array Supporting Hybrid Plasmonic Resonances. Advanced Optical Materials, 4(6), 906-916.

Wang, Q. M., Jackson, J. A., Ge, Q., Hopkins, J. B., Spadaccini, C. M., & Fang, N. X. (2016). Lightweight Mechanical Metamaterials with Tunable Negative Thermal Expansion. Physical Review Letters, 117(17).

Wang, Q. Y., Du, Y. Y., Wu, C. F., Wang, G. C., Sun, C. F., & Xue, K. (2016). The open XXZ spin chain model and the topological basis realization. International Journal of Quantum Information, 14(3).

Wang, W., Chen, G., Chen, H. B., Dinh, T. T. A., Gao, J. Y., Ooi, B. C., . . . Zhang, M. H. (2016). Deep Learning at Scale and at Ease. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, 12(4).

Wang, W., Zhang, M. H., Chen, G., Jagadish, H. V., Ooi, B. C., & Tan, K. L. (2016). Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities. Sigmod Record, 45(2), 17-22.

Wang, X., Gao, X., Sun, Q., Wang, J., Liu, T., Xu, C. (2016). Power Consumption Optimization for Small-Cell Networks under QoS Constraints. 2016 Ieee/Cic International Conference on Communications in China (Iccc), pp. 1-5.   

Wang, X. H., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R. (2016). User-Initiated Data Plan Trading via a Personal Hotspot Market. Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(11), 7885-7898.

Wang, X. M., Sui, Y., Yuen, C., Chen, X. M., & Wang, C. G.(2016). Traffic-Aware Task Allocation for Cooperative Execution in Mobile Cloud Computing. 2016 Ieee/Cic International Conference on Communications in China (Iccc)

Wang, Y., Chen, B., Seo, D. H., Han, Z. J., Wong, J. I., Ostrikov, K., . . . Yang, H. Y. (2016). MoS2-coated vertical graphene nanosheet for high-performance rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen production. Npg Asia Materials, 8

Wang, Y., Kong, D. Z., Shi, W. H., Liu, B., Sim, G. J., Ge, Q., & Yang, H. Y. (2016). Ice Templated Free-Standing Hierarchically WS2/CNT-rGO Aerogel for High-Performance Rechargeable Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, 6(21).

Wang, Y., Wang, S. S., Lu, Y. H., Jiang, J. Z., & Yang, S. Y. A. (2016). Strain-Induced Isostructural and Magnetic Phase Transitions in Monolayer MoN2. Nano Letters, 16(7), 4576-4582.

Wang, Y. M., Zhang, J., Wu, C. F., You, J. Q., & Romero, G. (2016). Holonomic quantum computation in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED. Physical Review A, 94(1).

Wang, Z., Dong, Z. G., Gu, Y. H., Chang, Y. H., Zhang, L., Li, L. J., . . . Wee, A. T. S. (2016). Giant photoluminescence enhancement in tungsten-diselenide-gold plasmonic hybrid structures. Nature Communications, 7.

Wang, Z., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R. (2016). Adaptively Directional Wireless Power Transfer for Large-Scale Sensor Networks. Ieee Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(5), 1785-1800.

Weeger, O., Kang, Y. S. B., Yeung, S. K., & Dunn, M. L. (2016). Optimal Design and Manufacture of Active Rod Structures with Spatially Variable Materials. 3d Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 3(4), 204-215.

Weeger, O., Wever, U., & Simeon, B. (2016). On the use of modal derivatives for nonlinear model order reduction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 108(13), 1579-1602.

Wen, C. K., Zhang, J., Wong, K. K., Chen, J. C., & Yuen, C. (2016). On Sparse Vector Recovery Performance in Structurally Orthogonal Matrices via LASSO. Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(17), 4519-4533.

Wen, F. X., & Wang, Z. M.(2016). A Generalized l(p)-l(q) Norm Minimization Approach for Distributed Estimation in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 2016 Ieee Region 10 Conference (Tencon), 1407-1410.

Wilhelm, E., Siby, S., Zhou, Y. R., Ashok, X. J. S., Jayasuriya, M., Foong, S. H., . . . Tippenhauer, N. O. (2016). Wearable Environmental Sensors and Infrastructure for Mobile Large-Scale Urban Deployment. Ieee Sensors Journal, 16(22), 8111-8123.

Withanage, C., Holtta-Otto, K., Otto, K., & Wood, K. (2016). Design for Sustainable Use of Appliances: A Framework Based on User Behavior Observations. Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(10).

Won, J., Ma, C. Y. T., Yau, D. K. Y., & Rao, N. S. V. (2016). Privacy-Assured Aggregation Protocol for Smart Metering: A Proactive Fault-Tolerant Approach. Ieee-Acm Transactions on Networking, 24(3), 1661-1674.

Wortmann, T. (2016). Surveying Design Spaces with Performance Maps A Multivariate Visualization Method for Parametric Design and Architectural Design Optimization. Ecaade 2016: Complexity & Simplicity, Vol 2, 239-248  

Wortmann, T., & Nannicini, G. (2016). Black-box optimisation methods for architectural design.  An overview and quantitative comparison of metaheuristic, direct search, and model-based optimisation methods. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (Caadria 2016): Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, 

Wu, F., Jeon, J., Moon, S. K., Choi, H. J., & Son, H. (2016). Voice Coil Navigation Sensor for Flexible Silicone Intubation. Ieee-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(2), 851-859.

Wu, F., Marechal, L., Vibhute, A., Foong, S., Soh, G. S., & Wood, K. L.(2016). A Compact Magnetic Directional Proximity Sensor for Spherical Robots. In 2016 Ieee International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (pp. 1258-1264).

Wu, F. J., Brust, M. R., Chen, Y. A., & Luo, T. (2016). The Privacy Exposure Problem in Mobile Location-based Services. In 2016 Ieee Global Communications Conference

Wu, J. T., Yuan, C., Ding, Z., Isakov, M., Mao, Y. Q., Wang, T. J., . . . Qi, H. J. (2016). Multi-shape active composites by 3D printing of digital shape memory polymers. Scientific Reports, 6 

Wu, J. Y., Cheng, B., Yuen, C., Cheung, N. M., & Chen, J. L. (2016). Trading Delay for Distortion in One-Way Video Communication Over the Internet. Ieee Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 26(4), 711-723.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Cheng, B., Wang, M., & Chen, J. L. (2016a). Adaptive Flow Assignment and Packet Scheduling for Delay-Constrained Traffic Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Ieee Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(10), 8781-8787.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Cheng, B., Wang, M., & Chen, J. L. (2016b). Energy-Minimized Multipath Video Transport to Mobile Devices in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Ieee Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(5), 1160-1178.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Cheng, B., Wang, M., & Chen, J. L. (2016c). Streaming High-Quality Mobile Video with Multipath TCP in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Ieee Transactions on Mobile Computing, 15(9), 2345-2361.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Cheng, B., Yang, Y., Wang, M., & Chen, J. L. (2016). Bandwidth-Efficient Multipath Transport Protocol for Quality-Guaranteed Real-Time Video Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Ieee Transactions on Communications, 64(6), 2477-2493.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Cheung, N. M., & Chen, J. L. (2016). Delay-Constrained High Definition Video Transmission in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Multi-Homed Terminals. Ieee Transactions on Mobile Computing, 15(3), 641-655.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Cheung, N. M., Chen, J. L., & Chen, C. W. (2016). Modeling and Optimization of High Frame Rate Video Transmission Over Wireless Networks. Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(4), 2713-2726.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Wang, M., & Chen, J. L. (2016). Content-Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer for High-Definition Video Streaming over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Ieee Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27(3), 710-723.

Wu, J. Y., Yuen, C., Wang, M., Chen, J. L., & Chen, C. W. (2016). TCP-Oriented Raptor Coding for High-Frame-Rate Video Transmission Over Wireless Networks. Ieee Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(8), 2231-2246.

Wu, L., Tan, S. F., Bosman, M., Yang, J. K. W., Nijhuis, C. A., & Bai, P. (2016). Charge transfer plasmon resonances across silver-molecule-silver junctions: estimating the terahertz conductance of molecules at near-infrared frequencies. Rsc Advances, 6(75), 70884-70894.

Wu, Y. N., Chen, X. M., Yuen, C., & Zhong, C. J. (2016). Robust Resource Allocation for Secrecy Wireless Powered Communication Networks. Ieee Communications Letters, 20(12), 2430-2433.

Xiao, S., Zhou, X. W., Feng, D. Q., Yuan-Wu, Y., Li, G. Y., & Guo, W. (2016). Energy-Efficient Mobile Association in Heterogeneous Networks With Device-to-Device Communications. Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(8), 5260-5271.

Xiao, X. B., Liu, Y., Liu, Z. F., Ai, G. P., Yang, S. A., & Zhou, G. H. (2016). All-electric spin modulator based on a two-dimensional topological insulator. Applied Physics Letters, 108(3).

Xiao, Y., Han, Z., Yuen, C., & DaSilva, L. A. (2016). Carrier Aggregation Between Operators in Next Generation Cellular Networks: A Stable Roommate Market. Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(1), 633-650.

Xu, C., Sheng, M., Varma, V. S., Quek, T. Q. S., & Li, J. D. (2016). Wireless Service Provider Selection and Bandwidth Resource Allocation in Multi-Tier HCNs. Ieee Transactions on Communications, 64(12), 5108-5124.

Xu, J., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R. (2016a). Energy Group Buying With Loading Sharing for Green Cellular Networks. Ieee Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(4), 786-799.

Xu, J., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R. (2016b). Proactive Eavesdropping Via Jamming for Rate Maximization Over Rayleigh Fading Channels. Ieee Wireless Communications Letters, 5(1), 80-83.

Xu, J., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R (2016a). Harnessing Self-Interference in Full-Duplex Relaying: An Analog Filter-and-Forward Approach. In 2016 Ieee Global Communications Conference.

Xu, J., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R. (2016b). Proactive Eavesdropping via Cognitive Jamming in Fading Channels. In 2016 Ieee International Conference on Communications.

Xu, J., Duan, L. J., & Zhang, R. (2016c). Transmit Optimization for Symbol-Level Spoofing with BPSK Signaling. In 2016 Ieee Globecom Workshops.

Xu, J., & Zhang, R. (2016). A General Design Framework for MIMO Wireless Energy Transfer With Limited Feedback. Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(10), 2475-2488.

Xu, J., Zhong, Z. D., & Ai, B. (2016). Wireless Powered Sensor Networks: Collaborative Energy Beamforming Considering Sensing and Circuit Power Consumption. Ieee Wireless Communications Letters, 5(4), 344-347.

Xu, L., Jiang, C. X., Shen, Y. Y., Quek, T. Q. S., Han, Z., & Ren, Y. (2016). Energy Efficient D2D Communications: A Perspective of Mechanism Design. Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, 15(11), 7272-7285.

Xu, Q., Sopiha, K., Sobhan, M., Anariba, F., Ong, K. P., Zheng, J. W., & Wu, P. (2016). Tunable electronic and magnetism of SrTiO3/BiFeO3 (001) superlattice: For electrochemical applications. Applied Physics Letters, 108(1).

Xu, Y., & Ang, L. K. (2016). Guided Modes in a Double-Well Asymmetric Potential of a Graphene Waveguide. Electronics, 5(4).

Xu, Y. J., Li, N., & Low, S. H. (2016). Demand Response With Capacity Constrained Supply Function Bidding. Ieee Transactions on Power Systems, 31(2), 1377-1394.

Xu, Y. J., Pan, F., & Tong, L. (2016). Dynamic Scheduling for Charging Electric Vehicles: A Priority Rule. Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(12), 4094-4099.

Xu, Z. B. (2016). Convergence of best-response dynamics in extensive-form games. Journal of Economic Theory, 162, 21-54.

Xue, Y. X., Zhong, J. H., Tan, T. H., Liu, Y., Cai, W. T., Chen, M. M., & Sun, J. (2016). IBED: Combining IBEA and DE for optimal feature selection in software product line engineering. Applied Soft Computing, 49, 1215-1231.