Academic Search Complete
Multidisciplinary coverage including Engineering, Sciences and more. Access to more than 8600 full text journals including 7500 peer reviewed journals.

ACM Digital Library (ACMDL)
A premier database for information in the fields of computing and information technology. Access to some 301,000 full text articles, 42 high impact journals, annual addition of over 270 conference proceedings, 9 magazines and more. ACMDL also includes "The Guide to Computing Literature Bibliography", which contains bibliographic information and abstracts of publications from ACM and over 3000 publishers. Locate the information you need through searching across publishers, citation indexes, journal titles, subject classifications, conferences and special collections. Or create interest profiles that will prompt you when there is new information in your interest areas. You can also access ACM Computing Reviews database which provides comprehensive and critical reviews of the computing literature.

American Mathematical Society (AMS) Journals 
Full-text access to all issues of journals from the AMS that are available in electronic format. Titles cover a broad range of mathematics and include AMS Journals such as Journal of the American Mathematical SocietyMathematics of ComputationTransactions of the AMS. AMS-distributed journals, for example, Journal of Operator TheoryQuarterly of Applied Mathematics and Journal of Algebraic Geometry, are also accessible, as are the journals translated from Russian.

Cambridge Journals Online 
Access over 300 peer-reviewed academic journals, including those owned by Cambridge University Press as well as the journals published on behalf of over 100 professional societies. A broad range of subjects is covered, such as mathematics, computer science, engineering, and more. The latest full-text articles published ahead of print are available, and backfiles extend back to 1997, where applicable.

Computer & Applied Sciences Complete 
Access to more than 8600 full text journals including 7500 peer reviewed journals which cover the research and development aspects of the computing and applied sciences fields. It contains articles on a wide array of topics such as the engineering disciplines, computer theory and systems, new technologies and social and professional context.

Ebook Central  
A database of over 100,000 eBooks across a wide range of subjects, including Business and Science and Technology . Select “Owned and subscribed by my library” filter to access full text content.

EBSCOhost ebook Collection   
Access over 90,000 full-text scholarly, reference and professional eBooks from leading publishers. The multi-disciplinary subjects include Computer Science, Engineering & Technology, Mathematics, and the Sciences.

Emerald e-Journals
Emerald is a global publisher of high quality, peer-reviewed journal titles on management and complementary specialist subjects. Library has access to the Engineering, Operations Logistics and Quality collections.

Environment Complete 
All aspects of topics and issues pertaining to the environment including urban planning etc. Access to more than 1000 full text journals and 2.5 million records going back to 1888.

Frost & Sullivan 
Access to 30,000 technical, economic and market intelligence. Research topics include information and communication technologies; aerospace and defence; automotive and transportation; electronics and security; environment, building and technologies; healthcare; measurement and instrumentation; and industrial automation and process control. The research focuses on market strategies, forecast and analysis, as well as emerging technologies, to aid in the identification and generation of growth opportunities.

For employees of SUTD (Staff, Researchers, Faculty), please email to to activate download feature.

IEEE Xplore   
IEEE Xplore is the world’s highest quality literature in engineering and technology. This includes access to some 3 million documents from IEEE's journals, transactions, letters, magazines, standards, and conference proceedings.

INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) is a world leader in connecting and keeping professionals, academics and students well informed on the subjects of operations research (OR), management science, and business analytics. Gain access to 11 scholarly journals, dating from 1952 to the latest, that discuss the latest methods and applications related to Operations Research and Management Science.

Mary Ann Liebert
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a leading company in the scientific, technical, and medical knowledge and information industry. They are known for authoritative international publications in engineering, business and environment. Included in our subscription are Big Data – a Journal that explores the challenges and opportunities in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating vast amounts of data, including data science, big data infrastructure and analytics, and pervasive computing.

An easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature, MathSciNet contains over 2.8 million items and over 1 million direct links to original articles, with bibliographic listings dating back to the early 1800s. Reviews or bibliographical information on selected articles from many engineering, computer science and other applied journals are also included. The reviews are written by experts selected by a staff of professional mathematicians. Citation data for journals, authors, articles and reviews is provided, allowing users to track the history and influence of research publications in the mathematical sciences.

Newslink allows quick access to all newspapers published by Singapore Press Holdings' newspapers stretching as far back as 1989. Newspapers included are The Straits Times, The Sunday Times, The Business Times, The New Paper, Tabla, Berita Harian, Lianhe Zaobao, My Paper, Shin Min Daily News, Lianhe Wanbao and Friday Weekly.

Patsnap (Patents) 
Patsnap provides access to over 50 million patents from across the world including USA, Europe, WIPO, China, Korea, Japan and Norway. Patsnap only allows 3 concurrent users. Users may register for accounts using the “User registration for customers” button.

Project Euclid 
Provides the full-text of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals published in theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics. The journals are published by independent and society publishers worldwide, including those from the United States, Japan and Europe. All issues of The Annals of Applied ProbabilityThe Annals of Probability, and Journal of Applied Probability are also available on the platform.

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journals 
This database provides full access to all of the 15 peer-reviewed journals published by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, with archival content stretching as far back as 1953. The journals cover topics such as applied dynamical systems, multi-scale modeling and simulation, matrix analysis and applications, computing, and optimizing.

Springer Link  
Access more than 1200 peer reviewed current and archival journals and over 60,000 eBooks in the fields of Business and Economics, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics. Full-text coverage of the journal articles extend from all available backfiles to the latest published ahead of print.

Statista is a portal for statistical, market research and business intelligence information. Statista strength is providing information on social media, e-commerce and telecommunications. Other categories of information include consumer goods, transport.

Taylor and Francis Online  
This database provides access to over 1,400 peer-reviewed journals on a vast array of topics, including mathematics and statistics, engineering and technology, and the built environment. The subscription includes access to all current content, plus a backfile stretching back to 1997 where available. Database features such as graphical abstracts and first page preview help to highlight the relevance of an article, and links to what others have read help facilitate strategic researching. Pair your mobile device to enable instant on-the-move access to the database and stay up-to-date with the latest research developments via a suite of alerting services.

The Singapore Engineer
The Singapore Engineer is published monthly by The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES). The Institution of Engineers, Singapore was formally established on July 1966 as the national society of engineers in Singapore. IES is the premier engineering Institution in Singapore and is often called upon by the Government to provide feedback on professional engineering matters.

Web of Science
A key resource for carefully selected multidisciplinary content in social sciences, arts and humanities and science with access to Conference Proceedings Index and Book Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index, EndNote and Journal Citation Index. Provides abstracts and indexes to over 12,000 journals and over 148,000 conferences, workshops and seminars, dating from 1965 to the present. Find relevant results through searching across citation indexes, journal subjects, authors and institutions. Researchers can also identify who is citing the work of specific authors or titles and spot popular trends in research. It also serves as a Gateway allowing you to access full-text articles from any database we have access to.

Wiley Online Library 
Wiley Online Journal collection which is part of Wiley Online Library has an extensive coverage for online resources covering a wide spectrum of subjects that would be useful for research. It provides access to over 1300 journal titles in the field of Business, Economics and Finance, Mathematics & Statistics. Many of these titles are widely referred to from their impact factor.

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) 
The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products, the OKR allows anyone to use, reuse, distribute, and build upon the Bank’s published work, even commercially, as long as the Bank is given credit for the original creation. The repository contains thousands of works, including books, journal articles, independent evaluation studies, and policy research working papers. Topics covered include energy, communities and human settlements, information and communication technologies, infrastructure, and rural and urban development.

World Scientific 
Access a diverse range of high quality academic content spanning subject areas, such as Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics. SUTD Library acquires ebooks from this platform on a title-by-title basis for course, reference, and general reading.